The Fine Art Of Writing A Resignation Letter
Take advantage of our easy-to-use Templates and Samples.
Almost everyone, at one time or another, has found themselves in a situation where they’ve needed to write a professional resignation letter. Well, now you’re in luck because we’ve compiled some of the best resignation letter samples you can find – all in one place.
We’re here to assist you with leaving your job – the right way – with better resignation letters.
Our Resignation Letter Sample Templates are quick and easy-to-use. They each include formatting and content that sets you up for success. We have resignation letter samples that range in subject matter, from the standard two weeks notice samples, resigning with no notice, resigning for confidential or personal reasons, resigning for a new job, and even some that are specialized for the Healthcare industry.
No matter the circumstances of your individual resignation needs, our samples and templates deliver you a trusted place to start to craft a professional, polite and situationally appropriate resignation letter. You can browse for ideas or simply copy and paste any of our resignation letter samples and then customize them for your needs. Our only goal is to provide YOU with better information and better ideas on what type of content to include in, or exclude from your letters, as you compose, finalize and submit your letter of resignation.
Browse the selections below. Each includes a brief description and a link to the sample letters.
Good Luck to you and thanks for visiting our site!
Giving A Two Weeks Notice Resignation Letter Sample
Two Weeks Notice Letter of Resignation Sample
If you find yourself in a position where you need to resign from your job, it is customary and professional, to provide your employer with a minimum of two weeks notice. In this sample resignation letter, you will find the language is brief but also delivers your message clearly and professionally.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
When You Absolutely ‘Can’t Provide Any Notice’ Resignation Letter Sample
When You Absolutely Can’t Provide Any or Less Than Two Weeks Notice Letter of Resignation Sample
Sometimes circumstances beyond your control may put you in a situation where you are unable to provide any – or less than two weeks notice of your resignation to your employer. While this is not ideal or recommended by any means, one should not overlook the opportunity to extend and display the utmost professionalism in the face of a difficult situation. This resignation letter sample provides your employer with a letter for your file and also suggests that you’ve done everything you can to remain professional in this difficult situation. It’s never the wrong time to do the right thing.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Healthcare Industry / Nursing Resignation Letter Sample
A Healthcare Industry or Nursing Professional’s Letter of Resignation Sample
Healthcare and Nursing are a few of our areas of expertise. Therefore our resignation letter samples related to the Healthcare Industry have been well thought out and proven to be professional and effective. These resignation letter samples are formatted as business letters, as Healthcare is a business, and you’ll always want to make it a practice to express your formal notifications as such.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Extended Notice Letter of Resignation Sample
Giving An Extended (More Than Two Weeks) Notice Resignation Sample
As most people know, two weeks notice is the minimum standard for resignation notice, however, if you are able to provide additional notice of your resignation date it can be a relief for your employer and also ease the inconvenience on your employer. Leaving a job on the best terms possible is always a good practice. We’ve all heard the cliche’ about “not burning bridges” and it’s a cliche for a good reason. It’s good, solid advice. We’ve provided a sample resignation letter that presents your extended notice message with flair and professionalism. One that anyone would be pleased to have as part of their personnel file.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Resigning for Another Job Opportunity Letter of Resignation Sample
Resigning for Another Job Opportunity Letter of Resignation Sample
One of the most common reasons for resignations is that someone got a better job opportunity. It’s critical to remain professional and dignified no matter how bad your current job was or how good the opportunity might be. You want to control the things you can control, and the content of your resignation letter is an easy thing to control. Be positive, professional, and grateful for your time with the company. Keep in mind that you don’t need to elaborate on the reasons you are accepting the new opportunity, particularly if they aren’t positive ones.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Resigning for Personal or Confidential Reasons Resignation Letter Sample
Leaving for Confidential or Personal Reasons Letter of Resignation Sample
It can be difficult to leave a job without wanting to explain the exact reason for your resignation. It may be too personal or you may want to keep the details confidential for your own reasons. Know that you can be professional while also keeping your personal reasons confidential. We’ve got a resignation letter sample that will help you provide a professional notice and maintain your privacy.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Getting Formal – A Corporate Environment Letter of Resignation
A More Formal or Corporate Environment Letter of Resignation Sample
If your workplace is a more formal, corporate environment, your letter of resignation may need to reflect a similar tone and nature. Many large companies that implement ’employee contracts’ require a minimum notice and formal letter of resignation in the contractual agreement. We’ve included a resignation letter sample that can be used in this type of situation.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
Warm and Meaningful Letter of Resignation
A Warm and Meaningful, Heartfelt and Professional Letter of Resignation Sample
Every workplace and the relationships in and around them have their own unique flavor. Some are extremely warm and feel like family, making leaving that environment difficult. This resignation letter sample provides the basics of your notice while also getting to the heart of the matter. You can use it as is or customize it further to fit the employer’s culture and your relationships with the team you’re leaving.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
When a Relocation Prompts A Letter of Resignation
When A Relocation Prompts A Letter of Resignation Sample
Moving out of the area is another very common reason noted in letters of resignation. When a relocation prompts you to have to resign, you can deliver your message professionally and be as vague or descriptive as you deem necessary in the situation. You may not want to disclose that you’re relocating for a new job, or you may want to include a new address or contact information, for additional communication. Again, professionalism in all dealings with your employer should be your main goal. We’ve got a great sample letter of resignation for you to consider.
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.
The Digital Notification – Emailing A Letter of Resignation
The Digital Age Notification – Emailing A Letter of Resignation Sample
The actual method of delivery of your letter of resignation is probably not the most critical factor in a situation like this. Displaying a sense of responsibility and professionalism, however, are very critical no matter what the circumstances of your resignation. Make the choice to conduct yourself professionally. Let’s face it, email is probably the most common and convenient communication tool used in business today, however, in a resignation notice scenario, it must be used wisely in order to preserve one’s professional reputation. Keep reading in the link…
Get the sample resignation letter HERE.