Looking To Be Promoted? Get In Sync With Your Leader


Leadership has been the mantra of what a great executive is and has the potential to one day be. Everyone talks about leadership and the signals that someone is emerging as a great leader on a specific topic or task. We hold great leaders up and write volumes of books and articles adorning and celebrating… read more

4 Easy Ways for Introverts to Show Confidence


They’ll help you reach a ‘pinnacle level of success,’ says a workplace expert. Offices are primed for awkward encounters: You have to be casual, professional and personable, often in 30-second exchanges. Knowing how to navigate those short, and slightly clumsy, conversations can actually help your career, says workplace expert Henna Pryor. A major reason people don’t get… read more

People Who Uplift Others Often Do These 9 Small Acts of Kindness


Kindness is a language that everyone understands. It has a unique way of uplifting others and creating a positive impact. And it’s often the small acts of kindness that make the biggest difference. People who regularly uplift others tend to have certain habits, certain small acts of kindness they perform, often without even thinking about… read more

How To Support Employee Wellness This Holiday Season


– by Ainsley Lawrence – Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.     The holiday season is often considered one of the happiest times of the year…. read more

People who thrive during tough times have these unique traits


Life has a way of throwing curveballs, but some people seem to handle them with ease, even thriving during tough times. I’ve often wondered what sets these individuals apart. It turns out, those who flourish under pressure share some unique traits. These qualities help them navigate through the stormy weather of life, often emerging stronger… read more

5 Steps To Increase Your Confidence


Confidence, or the lack thereof, naturally fluctuates for any human. Whether you feel down when receiving negative news or after a huge deal falls through, your business will inevitably throw you curveballs that may leave you shaken up. It’s pivotal as individuals that we learn to build up our confidence and self-worth so that when… read more

6 Hacks To Look And Feel More Confident At Work


Most high-performers share one thing in common: they all suffer, or have suffered at some point in the past, with impostor syndrome. If you have ever felt that you were incapable or inadequate to perform your role, or undeserving of receiving recognition and praise at work even though you know you earned it, or ever… read more

What Separates Successful People From Everyone Else Boils Down to 1 Gritty Word


Imagine you’re steering your ship through a wild, stormy sea. The waves rear up like angry giants, crashing against your vessel. It feels like the world is throwing its worst at you, daring you to turn back. But you stand firm at the helm, eyes fixed on the distant horizon. Sorry to sound so dramatic; that’s… read more

If you really want to become an engaging speaker, say goodbye to these 8 habits


Not everyone’s voice carries the same weight or magnetism. You might look back on your past presentations and speeches, and wonder why you couldn’t get your audience as invested as you’d like them to be. Or perhaps, you’re struggling to identify if your speaking style is engaging or just plain boring. How do you know… read more