Confidence, or the lack thereof, naturally fluctuates for any human. Whether you feel down when receiving negative news or after a huge deal falls through, your business will inevitably throw you curveballs that may leave you shaken up. It’s pivotal as individuals that we learn to build up our confidence and self-worth so that when life doesn’t go as planned, we are prepared to handle it.
Combat challenges head-on by developing your self-esteem; your confidence can act as a shield in times of turmoil. Here are five tactics to increase your self-worth and thrive:
1. Stop The Limiting Beliefs
The innate need to subconsciously criticize yourself is an unfortunate aspect of being human. Without even realizing it, intrusive thoughts such as “I am not smart enough to create this pitch” can hinder your performance. You can rewire neural pathways in your brain to stop these limiting beliefs through written or verbal affirmations.
Write down or speak out loud the opposite of what your mind tells you multiple times; in this case, repeat “I am going to win this pitch” and other supporting statements such as “I am a magnetic speaker.” But saying an affirmation once isn’t enough. Consistency is the key. Continue to repeat these affirmations until your goal comes to fruition.
2. Surround Yourself With Cheerleaders
Aim to surround yourself with people who believe in you, see your potential and will remind you of your amazing capabilities when you yourself have forgotten. When you spend time with people who drain your energy, it can cause irritability. These feelings of resentment or annoyance can decrease your confidence because your overall mood is down.
If you feel yourself becoming frustrated by someone, step away and seek counsel from someone who is your cheerleader. By deliberately choosing positive people to have in your circle, you can maximize your ability to continue positive self-belief.
3. Practice Self-Awareness
Although people prefer to think they are logical beings—and when it comes to making decisions, we can be very analytical—the truth is that we are ruled by emotion. Knowing this is important because, with this simple awareness, emotional regulation becomes a crucial factor for our success.
But we can take self-awareness a bit further. Reflect on different aspects of your work and see where you might be getting triggered. Where is there annoyance, upset or insecurity? Make a note to work on these specific areas in which your emotions are more at play.
4. Evaluate The Past
If your confidence is low because of a past situation, practice perceptual positioning to reframe the experience entirely. An attorney client I coached recently shared a story where using “perceptual positions” completely shifted a high-stakes conversation she had while at court. By taking a moment to reflect on the altercation and visualizing herself in the four frames (discussed below), she was able to shift her emotions, see things more clearly and expand her awareness to new insights that were previously not obvious.
5. Practice Perceptual Positioning
Imagine yourself reliving the business exchange that you are concerned about. Now, visualize yourself in the following four frames, one at a time, sequentially.
1. First Position (Self): Stand in a specific spot, embodying your own perspective. Reflect on your feelings, thoughts and reactions to the situation.
2. Second Position (Other): Move to a new spot, embodying the perspective of another person involved. Reflect on their feelings, thoughts and reactions, trying to experience the situation as they would.
3. Third Position (Observer): Move to a third spot, embodying a neutral observer’s perspective. Reflect on the situation from a detached, unbiased standpoint, observing the interaction between the first and second positions.
4. Reflection And Analysis: Return to your original position and reflect on the insights gained from the other perspectives. How has your understanding of the situation evolved? What new actions or responses might you consider now?
Repeat: Practice this exercise in different contexts or situations to develop a habit of exploring multiple perspectives before arriving at conclusions or actions.
These new frames of mind can provide you with new insight. By reflecting on the event from multiple perspectives, you can separate feelings from the event itself. Next time something goes awry, try this tactic.
Wrapping Up
Confidence is a vital resource for business professionals to use in the workplace. By practicing positive self-affirmations, spending time with colleagues who elevate your mood, using self-awareness and implementing perceptual positioning, your confidence can flourish.
With high self-worth comes high reward, as you can confidently tackle any challenge your business may present you with. Next time something unexpected comes up at work, implement these five methods.
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