Adaptability in Action: Transferable Skills That Shape High-Performing Workforces


– by Ainsley Lawrence – Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.     Adaptability stands out as a distinguishing trait among successful professionals across industries. When team… read more

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, and ATS Compatible Resumes, Oh My!


– by Daryn Edelman – Daryn Edelman, CPRW, is American Recruiters’ Resume Specialist. He has been creating ‘results-getting’ resumes for nearly 20 years for interns to C-levels and board members of Fortune 100 corporations. He began resume writing as a side hustle (before “side hustle” was a thing), eventually starting his own company, and has… read more

Navigating Remote Job Opportunities: Tips for Success in a Virtual Workplace


– by Ainsley Lawrence – Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.     The remote work industry boomed during the pandemic when many employees were forced to… read more

Better Ways to Discuss Weaknesses in Interviews


Job interviewers commonly ask candidates questions about their professional weaknesses. When asked this type of question, a job seeker will want to frame any shortcomings they share within a context that demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to professional growth. Below, Forbes Coaches Council members share effective ways to disclose weaknesses without falling into the traps of humble… read more

4 Easy Ways for Introverts to Show Confidence


They’ll help you reach a ‘pinnacle level of success,’ says a workplace expert. Offices are primed for awkward encounters: You have to be casual, professional and personable, often in 30-second exchanges. Knowing how to navigate those short, and slightly clumsy, conversations can actually help your career, says workplace expert Henna Pryor. A major reason people don’t get… read more

A Candidate’s Guide to Today’s Job Interviews


The interview process for tenure-track positions used to be fairly predictable. Not anymore. For decades, the interview process for tenure-track positions was relatively fixed in both timing and format. A department would conduct first-round interviews during its annual disciplinary conference at a hotel, and six to eight weeks later, invite select candidates to second-round interviews… read more

Lowball Offers: Why Accepting One May Make Sense


by Van Laventure President | American Recruiters Franchise | Accounting & Finance Specialist – 603-825-5520   Lowball Offers: Why accepting one may make sense. Negotiating a fair compensation package is important for both job seekers and employers. While it may seem counterintuitive, there are times when accepting a lowball offer can be a strategic move…. read more

Say More With Less: 5 Effective Communication Skills to Sound Smarter and More Confident


-from Study International Mastering effective communication skills can lead to salaries or career growth in today’s digital age. Many studies have shown that: 85% of Americans — and 87% of professionals ages 25 to 35 — who countered on salary, other compensation or benefits, or both pay and other compensation and benefits got at least… read more

Understanding Body Language: 7 Strategies For Job Interview Success


-from Forbes Words are only part of the story, in the job interview process – and understanding body language is the best way to create success in your career. Body language is the sum total off all the signs we give off when we communicate, including gestures, posture, eye contact and more. These seven strategies… read more