Healthcare Industry / Nursing-Related Resignation Letter Sample

Healthcare Industry / Nursing Profession Resignation Letter Sample

Healthcare and Nursing, in particular, are a few of our areas of expertise. Therefore our resignation letter samples related to the Healthcare Industry have been well thought out and proven to be professional and effective. These resignation letter samples are formatted as business letters, as Healthcare is a business, and you’ll always want to make it a practice to express your formal notifications as such.

As with any industry, you want a resignation letter to present your notice to your supervisor and or employer, and provide proper notification of your resignation intent and clearly make note of your last official day of work. As mentioned with our other resignation letter samples, best practices recommend a minimum of two weeks notice so that your employer can work in a timely matter to begin finding a replacement or to temporarily reassign duties or shifts accordingly.

You may also use this opportunity to thank your supervisor and other hospital or facility colleagues for all their help and support throughout your tenure with the organization. This resignation letter sample not only provides clear communication about your departure, but it also allows you to maintain a cordial and professional relationship with your previous employer.

Healthcare and Nursing-type resignation letters should still follow formal letter formatting and content. Therefore they should include a formal salutation, a subject line, the sender’s and recipient’s name and proper job title as well as a strong body of the letter which is written in a polite and professional tone.

Here we take a look at a healthcare nurse’s sample resignation letter that can also be referenced and applied to other positions within the healthcare-related industries. 



  • Make every effort possible to NOT discuss your plans with any co-workers prior to advising your supervisor to avoid a situation where your supervisor hears the news from someone else in the workplace.
  • Ask to speak to your supervisor privately, so that you can advise them verbally of your intentions.
  • Have your resignation letter completed and signed, and bring it with you when you meet your supervisor. It’s always a good practice to deliver your letter to your supervisor in person, whenever possible.
  • Keep your conversation positive and respectful and be sure to advise them of your last day of work and of your intentions to continue to work hard until your very last minute on the job. Thank them for the opportunity and the experience and knowledge that you gained while working with them and the organization.
  • When providing an extended notice of resignation letter, one may also want to offer assistance with finding or training a replacement.


Healthcare Industry / Nursing Profession Resignation Letter Sample:

Your Name, RN (include other proper certifications/degrees as well)
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email




Miranda Bailey (Your Manager’s Name)
Chief of Surgery (Their Proper Title)
Grey/Sloane Memorial Hospital (Healthcare Provider Company Name)
City, State, Zip Code


Dear Mr./Ms. Bailey:


I am writing to inform you of my intent to resign from the position of ICU/Critical Care RN at Grey/Sloane Memorial Hospital, effective two weeks from tomorrow.  My last day of work will be May 30, 2019.

Working in the ICU at the Grey/Sloane Memorial has been wonderful and rewarding in many ways, and I wish all of the staff the best of luck in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to work with such a dedicated and talented group of professionals. I will always be grateful for my time here.

Please let me know if I can assist in the transition in any way.

Respectfully yours,


Your Signature

Your Typed Name, ICU RN