
When clients come to me experiencing burnout, the first thing I ask is how many hours of sleep they’re getting each night. Many of them look at me like I’m crazy, but sleep deprivation is a major contributing factor to burnout and can have serious consequences. It affects not only your health and wellbeing, but… read more


Interesting people have a special magnetism. They tell incredible stories and lead unusual lives. But what exactly makes them so captivating? They’re curious more than anything else. An interesting person is always excited to explore the world, and this energy radiates outward. Some people are naturally interesting, but there are also ways to learn to… read more


Working for a boss who pushes you to do better, might challenge you to become your best. But, working for a toxic boss could drain your mental strength. Whether you have a boss who calls people names, or there’s a leader at your organization who thrives on embarrassing people who make a mistake, dysfunctional leadership… read more


Life is full of big decisions, and I’ve had to make my fair share. When is the right time to have kids while maintaining a full-time job? Should I switch from print to television? Is transferring my family overseas the right move? Should I buy this car? I’ve made these tough decisions a little easier… read more


Why do some relationships end in marriage while others unravel? It seems like a complicated question — and it is, except maybe not quite as complicated as you might think. According to 2015 research, cited on Science of Relationships, you can help predict the eventual outcome of a relationship by figuring out which of four… read more


Under the FLSA, employees are classified as either non-exempt or exempt from minimum wage and overtime. Non-exempt employees must be paid at least the minimum wage for each hour worked and overtime whenever they work more than 40 hours in a workweek (some states require overtime in additional circumstances). However, there are exemptions from the… read more


by Grant Cardone All highly successful people, all professionals that operate at the top of their fields—the masters—are all consistent. Great salespeople are consistent, great real-estate people are consistent, great investors are consistent, and great athletes are consistent. I asked a golf pro what it would take to fix my golf game and he said all… read more