
Expecting resistance to change and planning for it from the start of your change management progamme will allow you to effectively manage objections. Understanding the most common reasons people object to change gives you the opportunity to plan your change strategy to address these factors. It’s not possible to be aware of all sources of… read more

6 body language tricks that are hard to master but will pay off forever


by Jacquelyn Smith and Áine Cain As Ursula the sea witch famously said, “Don’t underestimate the importance of body language.” Some tricks, like remembering to smile and having a firm handshake, are pretty easy to implement in your everyday life. However, there are other techniques that, while relatively commonsense, are somewhat trickier to tackle. Still, they… read more

11 horrible body language habits that are hard to quit, but you’ll be glad you did


Jacquelyn Smith and Áine Cain It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. It’s an old cliché, but it’s true. That’s why body language is such a crucial part of communicating. The way you act can warp the entire meaning of what you’re saying. That being said, bad body language habits are the… read more

Five Signs You Need A Pay Raise — And Five You Don’t


Liz Ryan Shutterstock Everybody wants to get paid more money, so we can’t blame managers for being skeptical when someone says “I need a raise!” Every manager, supervisor and team leader has heard “I need a raise!” a million times. When you decide to pitch your boss on the idea of giving you a pay… read more

Science: September Is the Second-Best Time of Year to Make a Resolution


Want a change of direction? Here’s why now is the perfect time to get started. BY JESSICA STILLMAN Contributor, According to the calendar, September is just another month in the year. But according to our emotions, this time of year often feels particularly weighty. With summer at an end, many people experience a pang of nostalgia… read more

Ten Ways It Hurts You To Stay In One Job Too Long


by Liz Ryan Shutterstock The working world has turned upside down over the past twenty years, and most people don’t realize it. If they recognize that momentous changes have occurred in the talent marketplace, they haven’t adjusted their approach to managing their career accordingly. That’s dangerous! It used to be that working for one employer for… read more

How to Deal with Verbally Abusive Patients


We’ve been there.  The patient is incredibly rude, demeaning, or even saying sexually explicit things to you.  Patient satisfaction has been preached to you constantly.. but what do you do when the patient crosses the line? I’ve had quite a few experiences of all of the above.  I felt helpless until I figured out the… read more