Don’t Let Your Credibility Be Another Casualty of This Pandemic


By Lauren Daugherty – Credibility and trust take years to build, but they can be undone in an instant. Once lost, they are really difficult — and sometimes outright impossible — to rebuild. We are living through the most stressful period of our lifetimes. A few fortunate people may be relatively unaffected, but in… read more

How to Be Your Own Cheerleader


By Cecilia Meis – If you’ve ever heard some well-meaning but flat phrase like “Chin up!” or “Be happy!” just know this isn’t that. That being said, positivity and encouraging language truly can have a physiological effect. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thoughts hold myriad benefits, including increased life span, decreased rates of depression… read more

How silencing the ‘chatter’ in your head can make you a better leader, according to a professor


By Julie Peck – Insider As humans, we may talk to ourselves at a rate equivalent to speaking 4,000 words per minute out loud. That’s according to Ethan Kross, a University of Michigan professor and the author of “Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It.” For CEOs and… read more

5 things emotionally intelligent leaders do to retain remote workers


By Harvey Deutschendorf Even though the number of remote workers had been rising for years, COVID-19 forced an unprecedented number of employees to give working from home a try. For some, this was a welcome change, but for others, it required a difficult mental and emotional adjustment. One of the biggest challenges faced by remote employees… read more

Daymond John says you can shift the power in any room—as long as you master these skills


By Taylor Locke – CNBC MakeIt Daymond John, entrepreneur and investor on ABC’s “Shark Tank,” says the key to owning any room is being confident. That might seem easier said than done for many, but John says even he lacked confidence when first starting out, and he overcame it. “I realized one thing: Every single… read more

10 Psychological Tricks That Will Boost Your Creativity


By Kendra Cherry – Verywell Mind Sometimes it seems that certain people are simply gifted with the knack for creativity. If you feel like you were not one of those lucky few who draws from a seemingly endless creative wellspring, this does not mean that you are doomed to a life of the mundane and expected…. read more

3 science-based strategies to increase your creativity


By Steve Kotler – How can you hack your creativity?  The term “hacking” has a bad name. It comes out of coding and refers to someone trying to gain control over a computer system, typically for nefarious purposes. The word then morphed a bit, becoming pop-culture shorthand for a “quick fix” or a “shortcut.”… read more

The 6 Conditions That Drive Innovation


By Kristiina Hiukka – Real Leaders Innovation is not only interesting, but it’s also crucial for business growth. Peter Drucker said that “Business has only two functions: marketing and innovating.” Teams in companies all around the world are required to be “innovative.” However, this is easier said than done. While the human element of the innovation… read more

11 Things to Never Say During Your Performance Review


Originally posted on Glassdoor Between the feeling of being thrust into the spotlight, the one-on-one setting with your manager and the gravity of what’s at stake, performance reviews can feel pretty uncomfortable. And when you’re made to feel uncomfortable, sometimes you aren’t always the most conscious of (or careful with) your words. But if there’s one time… read more