
– by Ainsley Lawrence

– Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.



Whether you’re relocating for a current company or to find a new profession, there’s a lot that you need to consider before you get in the car and start driving. If you’re thinking about making a change, then we have some guidance that you’ll want to think about, including how a relocation may be good for your personal and professional life and the moves you’ll need to take along the way.

Relocation Could Help You In Multiple Ways

Every job relocation scenario is unique. Your relocation could be due to moving to a new position within your current company. It could also be that you’re leaving your current job to find a new position somewhere else. Whatever the case, relocating can have many professional benefits, including a salary bump or better benefits. You may also be relocating to a part of the world where your particular line of work is in higher demand or where you can start your own business.

Planning a RelocationMoving and following your dreams provides incredible personal satisfaction. So it’s worth a shot if you have a good plan. Of course, you need to stop and ask yourself a few questions first, like:

  • Will I love my new job?
  • Do I have the funds to move right now?
  • How will I meet new people?
  • Am I moving to a more beneficial job than the one I have now?

If you can be confident in your decision, then it will make the actual process of relocation that much easier.

It’s worth noting that this change in your hometown may also be good for your personal growth and development. Especially if you have relationships in your current location that are holding you back or are a bad influence. You can drop them and then look to find new connections using the criteria you deem best in a friend or business relationship. This is also a chance to reinvent and freely express yourself like you haven’t in the past. The newfound independence and shift in your comfort zone can be good for you, and there are benefits to moving to a city where you know no one.

Learn From Those Who Have Done It First

Luckily, you’re not the first to relocate for a job, so you can learn from the lessons of those who came before you. For instance, in a recent survey, 30.57% of professionals said that finding new housing in their new city was the hardest part of relocation, so stay ahead of the curve in this area. If you know where you’ll be moving, take a trip there before the official relocation and get to know the area. Look at apartments or houses in the area and see what you like, and if one strikes you, consider putting in an offer.

If you don’t yet have the job but you’re interested in buying a house, talk to a loan officer and ask about types of non-qualifying mortgages that don’t require income verification. Talk to someone close to you about cosigning on the mortgage. In the meantime, you may be able to find a temporary solution by asking about corporate housing or a short-term rental situation.

Many past relocators have a company that stands behind them and offers relocation assistance where they pay for a portion or the entirety of the move, or they may provide resources to help you find a home or a reputable moving company. If your company offers help, research the relocation package carefully and ensure that it covers the costs or if you’ll need to pay some of your own way and see if it’s realistic. Travel within your budget when you’re visiting the new location. Go during the “shoulder” (off) season, put expenses on a cashback credit card, and save receipts. You may be able to deduct job-relocation moving expenses from your taxes.

If you’re not moving with your existing job, you have another big task ahead of you as you look for work in the new area. Again, taking a trip to the new city before your moving date offers you a chance to interview for jobs or at least hand out your resume so you have some leads for when you officially arrive. Getting your foot in the door at a company can be easier if you hire a recruiter. At American Recruiters, we can do that for you. We offer relocation resources, professional resume services, and strategies to help you get the job you need to start your new career.Best Moving Companies

Important Steps Along The Way

Once you’ve committed to your relocation, it’s time to start packing and making the transition a reality. Still, you must be smart along the way. When you’re moving a house or apartment somewhere new, you’ll have a lot of belongings, so you need to start packing well before your move-out date.

As a general rule, start cleaning around the house, decluttering, and deciding what you’ll take about six to eight weeks before you plan to move. That gives you plenty of time to go through each room and decide what to donate and what to take. During this time, find plenty of boxes and the necessary moving supplies.

There are other things to consider during a long-term relocation. A big one is managing your finances. If you don’t have a job lined up, create a budget so you don’t overspend on the move and still have funds when you arrive to set yourself up. It’s also important to take care of yourself during this time, get enough rest, and try not to get overwhelmed, or you could get sick. You don’t want illness to jeopardize your performance at your new job.

Yes, there are many factors and steps to remember before a significant job relocation. Think about the ins and outs of the move before you commit, and you’ll make the process much more manageable.

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