
– by Ainsley Lawrence

Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.



It’s a new year and there is going to be a new you — perhaps it is time for a new job.

As we wave goodbye to 2022, there are a lot of things to think about and reflect upon. Though there were likely many trials and tribulations associated with the past year, there were also a number of life accomplishments. All of these experiences ultimately led to your growth as a person.

Moving into 2023, you might be thinking of all of the ways you can apply this newfound growth and experience to make yourself even better. It might involve some big changes to your life, perhaps even a new job. You might be looking to move up within your current company or completely change careers altogether.

Either way, you’re going to need to start thinking about applications. Putting your best foot forward means updating a resume, gathering references, and striving to make your application really stand out. What will it take to be a job application superstar in 2023?American Recruiters Professional Resume Services

Building a Strong Resume

The first step to any successful job application lies in the resume. It is often the first thing that any hiring manager is going to look at. The quality of this single document will determine if they pass on you or if they are curious to learn more about you and place you into a pool of applicants for further review.

Resumes can be challenging to get right though. They need to adequately explain all of your experience for the position, but have to be concise and to the point. One of the biggest mistakes that many people make on their resumes is writing long paragraphs to explain a previous position. One key to resume success is to distill all of your experience into a handful of bullet points that get to the core of what you accomplished.

Some other things to help improve your resume include:

  • Remove repetition — Don’t repeat the tasks you’ve done over and over in different ways. Instead, focus on your different accomplishments and results;
  • Ditch old experience — If you still have jobs from 10 years ago on your resume, ditch them unless they are your only relevant experience;
  • Use action words — Words like “collaborated,” “developed,” and “created” are strong words to describe your accomplishments;
  • Customize, customize, customize — Unless you are limited on overall job experience, don’t be afraid to remove jobs that are irrelevant to the position you’re applying for. Design your resume specifically for the job to which you’re applying.

Being a Known Entity

Beyond the resume, there are a handful of additional things you can do to make your job application really stand out. Many of them come down to your ability to paint a picture of who you are outside of what professional experience goes into your resume. One way to do this is to include a cover letter with your application.

American Recruiters Human Capital Management SolutionsSome jobs require it and, for others, it is optional. However, always having a cover letter gives you an opportunity to introduce yourself and why you’re passionate about the position you are applying for. Cover letters are a space where you can really explain why you want the job and how your skills and personality will make the workplace better and more successful. You can even use a cover letter to set yourself apart by explaining how you maintain a work-life balance and your mental health so you can bring your best self to the workplace every day.

Outside of the cover letter, you can also make yourself more of a known entity in other ways. If possible, stopping in the office and introducing yourself can really make an impression. So can calling and speaking with a hiring manager about the position before applications are due. Another option is engaging with the company through its social media channels in thoughtful and meaningful ways.

Nailing the Interview

The final stretch of the job application process is the interview. This is where you really have to shine to push yourself over the finish line and get the job. Nailing the interview is more than just answering the questions asked of you. It is about going the extra mile to make a positive impression and shows that you really do fit in well with the culture of the company.

Perhaps the most important aspect of this is to do your homework. Having a solid understanding of the company, its values, and the type of work you would be asked to do on a day-to-day basis is critical. If the company is utilizing new social media marketing techniques, make sure you have a baseline understanding of them. Likewise, if you are going to be dealing with company policies, take the time to read through them before going into the interview.

There are several dos and don’ts for interviews. For instance, you should always dress appropriately for the job you are applying for in an interview. You should never speak poorly of past supervisors or coworkers if you can avoid it. Finally, at the end of every interview, you will have an opportunity to ask questions. Always have at least two questions to ask your potential employer. Doing so shows that you are engaged and thinking about the job in realistic terms.

Getting the Job

Preparing for and applying for new jobs can be a daunting task. But taking steps to ensure that your resume is up to date, you are working to introduce yourself, and you are prepared for the interview will make you a very strong applicant. 2023 is your year to make the transition into the job you’ve always dreamed of having.

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