
by Vartika Kashyap

Success does not lie in the results. It lies in the efforts that someone puts to get those results. If we have a look at the life of successful people, there’s something we all can learn from them. After all, those people are there for a reason. They are there because they have been doing something right for all these years.

People like Warren Buffett, Tim Cook or Larry Page – they all have managed to crack the code of success. So, rather than starting our story from ground level, why not take a closer look at how these people get on with everything in their life and see what we can learn from them?

  • Planning the day, everyday!

One thing that successful people have in common is they know what they have to do throughout the day. They have a schedule to follow. They keep a task list containing the list of things they are supposed to do in a day’s work at office. Planning helps so that they don’t get bamboozled looking at something which they didn’t expect.

They say planning is the first step on the ladder to success, but I say it is the most important one as well. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail. That’s the first advice I learned from studying the behavior and daily schedule of successful people. Anyone who wants to be successful must adopt this tip in their lifestyle asap.

  • Never say never, ever

There comes a point in our life, when we all give up. We quit. We fail to take that hard step that could open the doors of stradom; that could make our dream come true looking at the hard work we might need to put in achieving that dream. That’s where successful people score.

They don’t give up. They continue to work, even when others get bogged down because of failure.

In fact, failure is just a stepping stone to success for them. Take a look at any of the successful people in the past. They all have failed at something several times before making it big. Thomas Edison is one such example. He failed thousands of times before actually inventing the lightbulb. And, why was he able to succeed? Because he did not give up even when things were not going his way.

  • Prioritization before organization, any day

One of the most important lessons that I’ve learned from the way successful people work is that ‘organization alone is not going to make you succeed, unless you prioritize the things you have organized’.

Successful people know how much time they need to devote on a certain task, and which are the tasks that need to be completed first. A regular person on the other hand does not pay heed to prioritizing things. They simply get on whatever tasks they have added in their list. People who have a knack of success simply take time to understand priority of these tasks and then begin their work. This is the reason they are able to succeed at things, more often than not.

  • We’re in this together

Being successful is all about working in team. Google was started by a team of two. Apple was found by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz and Eduardo Saverin. So, you can see that each of those big IT giants came into being thanks to team efforts. That’s the whole crux of success is – you are in it as a team.

If you are managing a team, then it becomes your responsibility to take them through every thick and thin that comes across. Sharing the credit of success, and equally taking the blame of failures is what a team is all about. And, successful people never shy away from accepting this fact.

  • Have a system in place for everything

Success is not just having a fruitful professional life. It is more so about creating that right balance between personal and professional life. People who fail to strike the right balance are left bewildered. Successful people on the other hand know what it takes to maintain both personal as well as their professional life with the same caliber.

For instance – when they finish the job for the day, they jot down what needs to be done the next day. So, in a way they switch off completely from work. The thought of doing the next task in tomorrow morning does not haunt them. When they are out with their kids, their mind is completely off from work.

  • Importance of staying healthy

Money can buy materialistic things, but not matter how much money you invest you cannot get health once lost. This is the reason that successful people pay heed to staying healthy. After all, how can you be sure of giving your best at work, when you are not physically 100% fit?

In one way or the other physical health impacts mental health. When you are not physically fit you mind is never going to be productive. So, if you want to climb the ladder of success, the first step you need to take is towards becoming a healthier person.

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