
Unless you inherited the family business, it’s pretty hard to become a manager without having been an employee first. Every manager knows how frustrating it can be to put up with a supervisor’s annoying quirks, just as every rank-and-file employee does!

Managers can make missteps in their dealings with employees and most of them do.

On top of that, employees have their own annoying quirks. Here are 25 things employees do that drive their managers crazy.

1. They get miffed because your company doesn’t stock their favorite kind of herbal tea at the coffee station.

2. They get approval to come in an hour late on Wednesday and you say “fine” and put it on the schedule. On Tuesday the employee comes in an hour late, you’re short-staffed and going nuts and the employee arrives and says, “Did I say Wednesday? I meant Tuesday.”

3. They beg you to interview their friend and you finally agree, but when the interview day comes your employee’s friend doesn’t show. You tell your employee about the no-show applicant and they say, “We’re not friends anymore and I wouldn’t hire her if I were you.”

4. They spend three months creating a complex database that won’t communicate with any of your existing systems, and when you point this out they sniff and say, “It’s time to update those legacy systems anyway!”

5. They try to force their fad diet on everyone else.

6. They are quick to suggest things that need to be done in the department but always too busy to take on the projects they advocate for.

7. They explain in exhaustive detail why they need three weeks to complete an assignment, and then the night before the due date when you inquire about the project, they say, “Oh, I’ll do that right now for you — won’t take more than an hour or two!”

8. They can’t wait to tell you the latest departmental drama down to every snippy remark and eye roll, but the minute you say, “Have you talked to your colleague about how you feel?” they say “That’s OK – it’s fine” and walk away.

9. They cook excessively aromatic lunches in the microwave and eat them at their desk, and when you point out that the break room would be a better place to eat an aromatic lunch, they say, “I didn’t realize this was an anti-vegan workplace.”

10. They talk you into subscribing your whole team to a new cloud application they love and then a few weeks later they say, “That application stinks. I just found a better one!”

11. When you ask them to create a report, they prepare a gorgeous document with beautiful graphics but the numbers in it are all wrong and it’s full of spelling errors.

12. They can’t seem to learn the difference between “reply” and “reply all.”

13. They ask you for feedback but when you share it, they say, “You don’t know the whole story, obviously.”

14. They appoint themselves defender of the company dress code policy, and give unsolicited wardrobe advice to their teammates.

15. They say, “I’m not feeling so great — I might not make it in tomorrow” the day before their favorite sport hosts its world championship game.

16. They get into an email flame war with the person who sits in the next cube over.

17. They go out to pick up pastries at the bakery around the corner, return an hour later and say, “The traffic was terrible.”

18. They tell your biggest customer, “Always ask for me by name when you call us. The rest of these people don’t know what they’re doing.”

19. They set up a color-coded filing system for department memos and newsletters that everyone else throws in the recycling bin.

20. They ask for a title change to “properly reflect their responsibilities” about once every three months.

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