
When thinking about strategy, a leader needs to focus on value and differentiation — not being big and bold.   n the midst of a strategic planning project or shortly after it’s concluded, it’s not unusual for me to get a phone call from a CEO with an important question. Over the past 30 years,… read more


People size you up in seconds, but what exactly are they evaluating? Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy has been studying first impressions alongside fellow psychologists Susan Fiske and Peter Glick for more than 15 years, and has discovered patterns in these interactions. In her new book, “Presence,” Cuddy says that people quickly answer two… read more


Over the last several years since I graduated from residency, I’ve worked in many different hospitals up and down the east coast. These have ranged from large urban medical centers to rural community outposts. In all of these places I’ve felt the inevitable conflict that exists between physicians and administrators — to varying degrees. It… read more


Contrary to popular belief, the key to productivity is not simply working yourself to the bone. In fact, there are plenty of proven strategies for getting more done while staying happy and healthy. To find out what those strategies are, we checked out the Quora thread “What is the secret to insane productivity?” as well… read more


These days, competition for the most desired jobs is steep. With so few openings available, it’s important to make the best impression you can at every stage of the recruiting process, from your application materials to your in-person interview with the company’s hiring manager. Chances are, you’ve practiced your interview responses and picked out your… read more


Most of us grew up hearing the mantra “Don’t be a quitter,” and we’ve internalized it to the point where we feel guilty even if we don’t finish a book that’s boring us to death. Our parents weren’t entirely wrong in saying that persistence is necessary for success, but sometimes quitting is the most effective… read more


The most successful people I know make navigating business and life look easy, often because they have their crap together more than most people. They get up early, stay in front of health issues, and are smart about money. They know the value of a good night’s sleep, a restorative vacation, and a well-written book…. read more


Chronic disease management has become a focus due to CMS reimbursements. Depression is a key cause of the failure of many CCM programs. The Close Association between Depression and Chronic Disease Combating depression can improve the management of chronic diseases. About half of all adults in the United States have one or more chronic diseases,… read more