Why Is the U.S. Perpetually Short of Nurses? – The New Yorker


There is an outcry in the United States that we’re facing an urgent nurse deficit that threatens the safety of individual patients and the nation’s health as a whole. Consider arguments from two Times editorials. “The nationwide shortage of nurses is likely to reach crisis proportions…. There is not much chance for permanent relief until… read more

Digital Marketing for Senior Living Operators: How Digital Marketing Outperforms Print Advertising in 3 Important Areas


Every year, senior living operators update their annual budget, making necessary changes in marketing spend to hit occupancy targets. The process can be different for each operator, but the goal is the same: maximize results, while controlling the amount of money it will take to hit the goal. As operators review their results from last… read more

How Leaders Can Let Go Without Losing Control


Massive flocks of starlings, known as murmurations, exhibit a rare combination of speed and scale. The birds coordinate themselves with remarkable agility to find food and avoid attacks. Schools of fish do the same. What’s noteworthy in these murmurations is the lack of a leader. Instead, each bird follows three simple rules: (1) move to… read more

What Millennials Really Want — And How to Give it to Them


By Jack and Suzy Welch Entitled. Greedy. Disloyal. The perceptions surrounding today’s millennial generation aren’t always flattering. But we don’t get why this group so often gets a bad rap. In fact, we think the crop of twenty somethings breaking into the business world right now is about as energized and exciting a group of… read more

Want to Kick Employee Recognition Up a Notch?


Employee recognition is worth the time and the money you spend on it. You have no other tool at your disposal that so predictably makes employees feel good about your company and goals. It encourages employee engagement and employees who feel recognized and appreciated are likely to be your best employees. From recognition and thank… read more

61 Ways to Get Your Employees Super Engaged


Employee engagement is a concept that is getting a lot of attention lately. But there are good reasons that it’s worth paying attention to: Highly engaged employees outperform their disengaged colleagues by 20 to 28 percent. (The Conference Board) Engaged employees generate 40 percent more revenue than disengaged ones. (Hay Group) Of those who are… read more

New Overtime Rules: 6 Ways to Communicate Changes to Employees


In May 2016, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued final rules, effective December 1, 2016, that will raise the minimum salary requirement for the administrative, professional (including the salaried computer professional), and executive exemptions from $455 per week to $913 per week. If your exempt employees’ salaries fall below this threshold, you will generally either… read more

Corporate Culture in Remote Workplaces: 5 Tips for CHROs


Because of recent technological advances that allow for a more flexible work environment, more and more employees at large companies are working from home or from remote offices. ADP research indicates that 81 percent of employees associated positive emotions with a future in which they can work from anywhere in the world. In addition, 41… read more

How to Radically Change Your Company Culture (From a Founder Who Once Hated His)


Creating a great company culture is hard. Changing a poor company culture is even harder: norms are in place, agendas are well established, key employees have sufficient power to influence the people around them… and that’s especially true in larger companies. (Speedboats change direction quickly; aircraft carriers take a long time to turn.) But if… read more