
Red Robin Names Denny Marie Post CEO Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc. has named Denny Marie Post CEO, replacing Steve Carley, who is retiring after six years at the helm, the company said. Post, who is also president of Red Robin, joined the company in 2011 as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. She… read more


Some people have to work hard to become great at sales, and to others it just seems to come naturally. It’s a common misconception that you’re either born to be a salesperson or you’re not, since most tactics that successful salespeople employ can be be taught (check out our enormous blog section for more on that)…. read more


Experience and knowledge are rapidly losing their relevance to success in the workplace. Harvard economist David Deming studied workplace tasks from 1980 to the present day and found that those that emphasize social skills grew by a whopping 24%, while tasks requiring technical know-how and intelligence experienced little growth. Deming also found that salaries increased… read more


Employee engagement is defined by the level of enthusiasm and commitment one has to their work and their employer. Unfortunately, this is tough to find. Recognize these warning signs and use these tips to drive employee engagement by increasing enthusiasm and commitment. A Gallup survey in April 2016 found that 33 percent of employees consider themselves… read more


By Antique Nguyen | Posted August 2, 2016 The competency to engage patients in their care is a major component to a healthcare organization’s long-term success. Regardless of how you feel about Meaningful Use or the Affordable Care Act, it’s critical to understand the success of these new models is conditional on two important measurements:… read more


AUGUST 08, 2016 by Amir A. Ghaferi, Christopher Myers, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe & Peter J. Pronovost In 1999 the U.S. Institute of Medicine released what would become a touchstone report, To Err is Human, which estimated that between 44,000 and 98,000 people die in hospitals each year due to medical errors that could have been prevented. It brought the idea… read more


We can all spot terrible employees: they under-perform, they don’t work well with teams, they struggle to meet expectations… but oddly enough, it isn’t the obviously terrible employees who cause the real problems. Whether clearly incompetent or unbelievably lazy, they’re easy to spot. So although it’s never fun to fire people, at least you know there’s a… read more


By Elizabeth Bennett – Ladders One employer explains why he retains recruiters to find job candidates. “Recruiters are the first line of attack — almost a gatekeeper,” said Arthur Mandell, who has worked with executive recruiters to fill hundreds of positions during his 25-plus years in the commercial lending and equipment-leasing industry. Mandell said he… read more