
When it comes to future promotions or assignments, your disloyalty will count against you. By Keith Liscio Things haven’t been right at work for a long time. You’ve felt stuck, unappreciated, and underpaid. In fact, it’s been a struggle to even drag yourself out of bed to get into the office some mornings. But now,… read more


by Larry McCowen   So you’ve spent the last several weeks going through the hiring process with your potential new employer, you’ve gotten an offer and you’re delighted.You walk into your Manager’s office to hand in your notice of resignation – “I’m leaving, it’s time to move on.” But your manager asks you to stay…. read more


Mindfulness is a way to bring yourself into presence, ease and balance. Sandrine Harris, an executive assistant at Virgin Management and mindfulness meditation facilitator, explains how to master the art of being fully present… We can think of mindfulness as a practice of awareness, when we pay attention to the present moment, breathe, and suspend judgment…. read more


– by Bernard Marr The goal of every manager is to have a team full of exceptional employees. Sometimes the problem is finding them, but more often I see that managers have trouble retainingthe greatest employees. But what if the problem isn’t them… it’s you? Are you the sort of boss that great employees want… read more


Your happiness at work will depend mostly, of course, on how much you like your job and your co-workers. But, as Samuel Johnson observed, “It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery, and as much happiness as possible.” Here are some little things to consider that have helped… read more


Do you have any regrets? Most people do. But it appears our regrets gain a lot of weight as we approach the end of our lives. For many years, Bronnie Ware – an Australian nurse and counselor – worked in palliative care; taking care of terminally ill people, most of whom had less than 12… read more


For years we clung to an outdated definition of career success. In the old definition of success, successful people were people who had “big” jobs and earned tons of money. You could tell the successful people apart from everybody else by their clothes, their cars, their houses and other material things. Now we know better…. read more