Unexpected Skills Great Employees Have


– by Ainsley Lawrence Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.     All companies want great employees. Without them, a business isn’t likely to achieve its productivity,… read more

Quick! Do you Know your Company’s Values?


At some point during their evolution, companies go through the values exercise. The founder may decide to write them down. Or the company’s values could be the subject of a whiteboard exercise by the leadership team at an off-site. Or employees may be surveyed for their input. There is no “right” way to do the… read more

How Workplace Safety Impacts Hiring and Recruitment


– by Ainsley Lawrence Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.       2020 proved just how quickly the nature of hiring and recruitment can change. For… read more

Restaurant Industry Still Missing 1.46 Million Jobs


Restaurants gained 186,000 jobs in May, but the industry still has a long road toward reaching pre-pandemic figures. Last month, 10.83 million were on the payroll, and that’s 1.46 million fewer than February 2020, when the industry boasted 12.29 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It also doesn’t help that quick-service and full-service… read more

5 Behavioral Biases That Trip Up Remote Managers


By Torben Emmerling, Alessandro Paul, and Daniel Seyffardt – Harvard Business Review In times of uncertainty and seclusion, people seek guidance and stability. In the workplace, they usually turn to their superiors. It can be hard for managers to live up to these expectations, and the task of managing people remotely is one few leaders… read more

4 Reasons To Hire Applicants With International Experience


– Stevie Nicks is the Digital Editor at Just Another Magazine – a website that covers the topics many care about. One will find articles about lifestyle, travel, fashion, trends and relationships – each of which is written in their unique style.  Hiring processes are complicated and ever-changing. In normal times, it can be difficult… read more

Benefits of Small Business Planning for Remote Work


  – by Ainsley Lawrence Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.     Many businesses have let employees work remotely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic — and… read more

High-Performing Teams Start with a Culture of Shared Values


By Greg Satell & Cathy Windschitl – Harvard Business Review Managers will face unprecedented challenges over the next decade. Not surprisingly, many leaders will choose to focus on the strategic aspects of change. Just as important, however, is driving a skills-based transformation that can create teams diverse enough to be vibrant and innovative, while remaining inclusive and… read more

How To Deal With Gambling in the Workplace


– by Milica Kostic, Content Specialist Milica is a business enthusiast and content specialist who takes joy in writing about marketing, HR, cybersecurity, tech, finance, health. Her publications can be seen all over the web: Eventbrite, Gulf News, Host Review, CCM, Ahoy Gaming, to name a few. Her knowledge came from many years of B2B communication-based… read more