Global Foodservice and Equipment Newsletter – July 1, 2019 Edition


To Our Valued Subscribers: On behalf of myself and my American Recruiter’s team let us be the first to say Happy 243rd Birthday America!! Hard to believe what we as a Nation have done in just that short amount of time being a Country. Regardless of your political beliefs, I believe, that as Americans we… read more

Global Foodservice and Equipment Newsletter – June 15, 2019 Edition


To Our Valued Subscribers: Here it is one week prior to the real beginning of summer and things are already hot here in the Windy City. Immediately following “The Show” Illinois passed a recreational pot use law and an expanded gaming law. Coincidence?? So, next year you can really relax and leave more of your… read more

Global Foodservice and Equipment Newsletter – April 1, 2019 Edition


Dear Loyal Subscribers: New From the NRA: The NRA has unanimously voted to Legalize Pot Sales in all Restaurants as a natural digestive and to boost snack daypart sales. They have also voted to move The Show to Idaho for the foreseeable future AND April Fool’s Day. April 1 brings spring into the air, the… read more

Global Foodservice and Equipment Newsletter – March 15, 2019 Edition


To Our Valued Subscribers: Here it is the beginning of “March Madness”. Unfortunately, my Northwestern Wildcats will not be in this year’s big dance. So, like my Cubs of yesteryear, “Wait Until Next Year!!” March is also the time that many organizations institute major changes to how they are operating. If you are one of these… read more

Global Foodservice and Equipment Newsletter – March 1, 2019 Edition


To Our Valued Subscribers: In Like a Lion!! Here it is the beginning of March and for us in Chicago (and most of the Country) the Month is starting by roaring continued freezing temperatures, freezing rain and snow and oh yeah Tornadoes in the South. What a start!! The setbacks in having spring arrive early,… read more