Originally Posted on Huntclub.com Are you asking unique interview questions? Or, just the same old, everyday, run-of-the-mill ones? Unique interview questions are designed to probe beneath the surface to get you the valuable knowledge you require to make the best hiring decisions. In this article, you’ll learn what the most common interview questions are, why you… read more
Restaurant Industry Still Missing 1.46 Million Jobs
Restaurants gained 186,000 jobs in May, but the industry still has a long road toward reaching pre-pandemic figures. Last month, 10.83 million were on the payroll, and that’s 1.46 million fewer than February 2020, when the industry boasted 12.29 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It also doesn’t help that quick-service and full-service… read more
7 Ways You May Be a Bad Example for Your Employees
By Adrian Shepard – Entrepreneur Occam’s Razor is a principle that states with all things being equal, the correct answer to most problems is the simplest and most direct one. Funnily enough, in life and business, people choose the opposite as they underestimate the power of simplicity. I remember being asked in high school by my… read more
4 Reasons To Hire Applicants With International Experience
– Stevie Nicks is the Digital Editor at Just Another Magazine – a website that covers the topics many care about. One will find articles about lifestyle, travel, fashion, trends and relationships – each of which is written in their unique style. Hiring processes are complicated and ever-changing. In normal times, it can be difficult… read more
Benefits of Small Business Planning for Remote Work
– by Ainsley Lawrence Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book. Many businesses have let employees work remotely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic — and… read more
7 Ways Leaders Increase Employee Commitment
By Avery Blank – Forbes Managing people can be the most difficult part of the job. A great manager knows how to get the most out of their people, whether they are direct reports or consultants. Namely, a great manager knows how to treat their employees in such a way that makes the employees want… read more
How To Deal With Gambling in the Workplace
– by Milica Kostic, Content Specialist Milica is a business enthusiast and content specialist who takes joy in writing about marketing, HR, cybersecurity, tech, finance, health. Her publications can be seen all over the web: Eventbrite, Gulf News, Host Review, CCM, Ahoy Gaming, to name a few. Her knowledge came from many years of B2B communication-based… read more
How to Hire a Manager
By Laura Gariepy – Career Cloud You’re struggling to handle everything in your business on your own, so you’re wondering how to hire a manager. An effective manager can hire, develop, and lead strong teams, control company costs, and help you achieve your goals. With the right leader in place, you’ll enjoy continued success over… read more
How to Hire the Right People: 4 Tips to Improve Recruitment
By Angela Hausman, Ph.D. – Business 2 Community People often think of marketing as advertising. Period. Well, that’s not even half true. In fact, marketing is a whole lot more than just advertising. Marketing involves the four Ps: product, price, promotion, and place (distribution). Newer concepts of marketing include people as a 5th P or even… read more
No, You Go First…
When someone says,”No, you go first,” with a smile and gesture, you may think how remarkable and rare that action is. To yield is to give way. Similarly, in many workplaces, yielding is all too rare. It could be because managers want to hang on to their power or prestige once they have it. Or… read more