The Single Most Poisonous Factor in the Workplace Today


by Ben Judah The most important commodity at any work environment is the people.  Without a motivated, well trained and talented team behind it, even the best technology will falter and fail.  Companies such as Google, Facebook and Netflix have pushed the boundaries on working conditions to attract new employees, with impressive catering, unlimited holidays and… read more

How to Deal with Verbally Abusive Patients


We’ve been there.  The patient is incredibly rude, demeaning, or even saying sexually explicit things to you.  Patient satisfaction has been preached to you constantly.. but what do you do when the patient crosses the line? I’ve had quite a few experiences of all of the above.  I felt helpless until I figured out the… read more

Professional Nursing Organizations: Why Every Nurse Should Be a Member 5 SHARE how-to nursing peer support professional development resources sponsored Trackback from your site.


When I graduated from nursing school I was given a packet of information about the various professional organizations. I was so overwhelmed at that time that I just put them aside and forgot about them. It took some time for me to begin exploring what they really meant, and looking back, I am sad I… read more

An Alternate Route Up the Ladder: Strategies for Developing the “Hi-Pro” Technical Contributor


by David Sowinski A client recently asked for my thoughts on how to best develop and motivate “Hi-Pros” – the critical segment of individual contributors whose technical knowledge and expertise are essential to business success. This employee population is comprised of specialists and subject matter gurus – engineers, pharmacists, software coders, financial experts, etc.  They don’t… read more

These Ten Policies Are An Embarrassment To The HR Profession


by Liz Ryan Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Shutterstock I understand that some of us work for big, stodgy corporations, but seriously — how can HR leaders look in the mirror and feel good about themselves when they enforce despicable policies every day at work? Some HR policies that are still in force… read more

CEO Secrets on Work-Life Balance – 10 Must Dos


by Steve Tappin “When you are faced with big and difficult life experiences, you must take a deep breath and realise that business experiences are seldom the end of the world. This also allows you to step back and make better decisions”. Mitch Garber, CEO Caesars Acquisition Company Achieving work-life balance is more difficult than… read more

Can your 401(k) plan attract 
 and retain better talent?


50% of employees say that they would switch jobs for a better 401(k) plan.* What does a better 401(k) plan look like? Take a look: Still don’t believe it? Ask yourself these 5 questions: 1. Is lowering your day-to-day 401(k) administrative tasks important to you? 2. Is one-on-one employee enrollment and education important to you? 3…. read more

5 Quick Wins to Improve the Patient Experience


Every patient that comes into contact with your hospital goes on a long and complex journey or ‘experience’. There’s the initial meeting or consultation, the education and choice of treatment, the procedure itself and then the recovery / aftercare and of course the billing. Getting everything right across the entire patient journey is an enormous… read more