25 Qualities the World’s Worst Managers Have in Common (Don’t You Be One!)


by Bernard Marr We’ve all had one: a boss, manager, or team leader who could have come in first at a competition for for the World’s Worst Managers.  But what makes them so bad?  Turns out, there are quite a few qualities that many of the worst bosses have in common. One of those qualities is… read more

5 Mindset Changes Talented People Have to Make When They’re Promoted


By Dr. Wanda Wallace Today’s knowledge-based economy means most organizations are packed full of experts: risk experts, legal experts, market experts, finance experts, project management experts, and so on. Many of these experts are women who are driven to get the job done and let the results speak for themselves. But such expertise can be… read more

How to Separate Your Desires from Your Aspirations


by Deepak Chopra MD One of the most important distinctions in the arc of success is telling the difference between a short-term desire and an aspiration, which is long-term. So ask yourself, What do you want today versus what you want five years from now? Short-term desires tend to dominate what happens at work throughout the… read more

The Biggest Concern of any organisation should be . . .


by Simranjit Walia The Biggest Concern of any organisation should be when their most passionate people become quiet.   In complete sync with the thought process and quite a meaningful “one liner” that has much deeper meaning.  Work place is social place and in a social atmosphere “silence” can transpire into both negative or positive vibes…. read more

7 customer service principles that can change your business


by Jasmine N. Onyemachi Remember when the company was king? Today it’s the customer that wears the crown — and customer service has become a key driver of business success. So let’s stop thinking of support as a cost center, and start recognizing customer service for what it is: an opportunity waiting to happen. Here… read more

Leadership development  activities – How to Lead People


A veritable leader attracts followers. Authenticity in a leader allows trust to be built and maintained. Showing who he really is, his followers know what to expect from him and can rely on him, come hell or high water. A leader must project fearlessness in facing challenges. A leader must stand firm even in the… read more

How to Make Feedback Feel Normal


by Joseph Grenny I’ve spent much of my career teaching people how to have “crucial conversations.” In the work place, most crucial conversations are about feedback – the process of helping others improve by pointing out deficiencies in their behavior or work. I’ve realized lately that a lot of my work could have been avoided… read more

They Don’t Even Say ‘Hi’ To Me When I Come To Work


By Susan Saldibar Building great workplace cultures represents a huge opportunity for the senior living sector. But is anyone doing something about it? Sobering Numbers By 2050 the population of seniors living in the U.S. will double. That’s good news for senior living providers. Except that we will need about 1.2 million workers by 2025… read more