– by Ainsley Lawrence
– Ainsley Lawrence is a freelance writer with an interest in the way business, technology, and education intersect with the personal. She loves traveling to beautiful places and is frequently lost in a good book.
Pursuing a laboratory-based career is rewarding on multiple levels. Jobs in the sciences can clearly be quite lucrative. They also put you in a position to make a positive difference in people’s lives. Getting the most out of your career in all areas also requires some intentional development.
In many cases, laboratory employers will provide their workers with support in their career progression. It’s also well worth taking matters into your own hands by seeking out accredited certification programs. This gives you the skills you need to thrive while allowing you more control over the direction your professional journey takes.
The Importance of Continuous Lab Learning
Learning is professionally and personally enriching. But why is engaging with accredited programs a priority for your laboratory career? The obvious outcome is that it tends to open you up to greater opportunities and potentially higher salaries. Certifications also offer a recognized standard of education that employers in science use to quickly and easily identify the value you have to offer. While your experiences are vital, the qualifications are solid reference points when recruiters are reviewing potential candidates.
Mindful education choices are also key parts of strategies to future-proof your career plans. Thinking ahead about what the job opportunities will be like and how the industry could change enables you to pursue your education in ways that keep you relevant to employers. Continually developing your computer and analytical skill sets is important in laboratory settings. Keeping track of industry trends also lets you see what types of skills are likely to be in demand as the sector develops.
Furthermore, you’ll find that continuous learning is a way to keep you more engaged with your career. When progression falls to the wayside, it’s easy to feel as though you’re stagnating in your job, no matter how fascinating you found the subject matter originally. Seeking out certification courses adds new dimensions to your skill sets while also providing fresh facets to how you interact with the lab environment and working practices. This offers greater satisfaction, with your higher engagement levels making you more productive and even innovative.
Identifying Impactful Certifications
Having an understanding of the importance of continuous education is just the beginning. You then need to regularly spend time researching what certifications are likely to be most impactful to your career. This can focus on the goals you have for your career and what skills help you to take steps along the way to success. Even when certifications are not strictly required for a job, they can make you more attractive to employers who may have received a lot of candidates with simply the required qualifications.
This is because continuing education demonstrates that you are investing in improving yourself, which is a boon especially if the company culture itself promotes additional learning. In addition, certifications can also qualify you for a higher starting entry pay and act as leverage when negotiating pay raises or promotions.
Let’s look at some of the current certifications which are in demand.
Laboratory technologist training
Whether you’re planning a career in scientific research or a support role,
getting certified as a laboratory or medical technologist can be useful. Accredited courses, like the Mayo Clinic’s laboratory science program, are aimed at giving you the knowledge and practical experience to use lab equipment, analyze specimens, and report to physicians. This type of course can pair well with multiple specializations, including hematology, clinical immunology, and molecular diagnostics, among others.
Medical waste handling
Laboratories tend to carry biological samples. Correctly disposing of different types of medical waste is both a practical necessity and something that requires specialist knowledge. Infectious waste, such as blood and swabs, will need different procedures compared to hazardous waste — like chemotherapy agents — and radioactive waste. It’s vital to look for courses that meet the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Taking accredited courses in these processes gives you the skills to act responsibly in a lab. It can also make you more in demand for businesses keen to maintain strict Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) regulations.
Representing Your Achievements
Having the skills and knowledge from your courses is valuable on a day-to-day working level. However, to use them to enhance your laboratory career to its fullest, employers need to know about your achievements. This helps potential recruiters and those considering you for promotions to see your value.
The primary way to do this is by updating your resume each time you complete a course, and that you also add this information to any professional profiles on sites such as LinkedIn. Don’t just list the name of the course in your educational history. Firstly, ensure that you couple the certificate details with the institution that accredited the course. Certain institutions can hold weight with employers as signifiers of quality information and guidance. It’s also important to outline the skills and experiences attending this course has provided you. Another positive addition to your resume is outlining how certain certifications have practical value in the section of your resume outlining your job responsibilities. This shows employers you don’t just gain knowledge, but actively use it.
Not everybody is skilled in updating or creating the type of resume that makes an impact on employers and recruiters. Collaborating with experienced professionals is useful here. For instance, American Recruiters offers job seekers a resume writing service that can help you effectively represent your certification achievements both in your curriculum vitae and cover letters. Not to mention that our experience recruiting in the medical industry provides insights into the skills employers are looking for and may also open doors to career opportunities.
Accredited certification courses are powerful tools for enhancing your laboratory career. It’s important to both find courses that are run by recognized institutions and provide you with the specific skills you feel you’ll benefit from. If you’re uncertain, you should reach out to more experienced colleagues in your field. They’ll often have great insights into what skills you could benefit most from and where to pursue them.
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