
By Ashley Stahl – Forbes

Where do you get your energy?

I sat across from a new coaching client, Jessica, waiting patiently for her reply.

She gazed back, puzzled as if I had asked her what it felt like to walk across a rainbow.

While this isn’t the most common of questions, it serves a powerful purpose. This question quickly answers a key indicator for where you may fit best in the workplace.

As a career coach helping thousands of clients find career paths that are right from them, I have discovered the best job isn’t always based on the industry you’re in or your educational background; it is the career that aligns closest with who you naturally are… what your personality is. One of the most distinctive personality traits about yourself is whether you are introverted or extroverted.

I helped my client along and explained that introverts receive energy from spending time alone, while extroverts tend to access more energy through engagement with others.

She nodded along and replied, “Well, it depends, sometimes I get energy from being alone, and sometimes I get it in groups… What does that mean?”

If you resonate with her answer, you are likely the least commonly referenced trait: an ambivert.

Your unique level of introversion or extroversion will closely factor into the best environments (the how of your job) that work optimally for you.

Here are the three personality levels and what career paths are prime for embodying your natural nature and strengths.

1. Introvert

Who you are: 

Living more on the sidelines than in the spotlight, you use your time alone to create well-rounded thoughts, ideas, and creations. While you gain energy from being alone, you also gain a great deal of perspective and can pick up things that more extroverted individuals may miss in the moment.

These special capabilities can be explained on the physiological level. Introverts have been found to have higher blood flow to their frontal lobe, the part of the brain that aids in memory and problem-solving. Introverts are known to be highly empathetic, self-motivated, and can be highly eloquent and thoughtful with their words.

Indicators you may be an introvert:

  • You tend to choose a few friendships that you make rich in quality as opposed to a wide cast of characters you can small-talk with at parties.
  • In leadership positions, you tend to highlight the team’s strengths as opposed to standing alone in the spotlight.
  • You think before you speak and are a great listener.
  • You prefer to write rather than talk.
  • Being in a crowded setting leaves you exhausted or overstimulated. It becomes hard to focus, and daydreaming or ruminating is often how you drift away within a crowd.

Career paths to consider: 

Jobs that offer you the freedom to work alone a bit more often than not, as opposed to in group settings or team dynamics are a great fit. Having the capacity to receive a project or problem statement and then spend time alone working through to a resolution is where you shine in the workplace. Indeed listed editor, graphic designer, content manager, executive chef, and software engineer as ideal career paths for introverts.

How to be successful: 

When you consider the layout of open office environments, the engagement with social media sharing, and consistency with community social events, it’s clear that society and the workplace are geared towards extroverted tendencies. This has led many introverts to feel ashamed or think negatively about their natural state. First and foremost, recognize the strengths within being introverted.

From here, become aware of the specific environments or situations that overstimulate you.  If very loud settings are overbearing, carry noise-canceling headphones, or earplugs with you to help focus on your work. If large events are too much, find small networking groups that host breakout sessions to build the more intimate relationships you thrive in. The more you understand what causes you to struggle, the easier it is to create a working environment, and life, that leans you into your strengths.

2. Extrovert

Who you are:

Finding energy from being around others, social engagement and friendliness are top priorities for life as an extrovert. Research indicates that extroverted individuals tend to score highest on happiness scales through life. Michael Wilmot, a postdoc in the Department of Management at U of T, found that extraversion is linked with a greater motivation to achieve positive goals — in this case as a desired reward through work. Western cultures tend to favor extroverted personalities making their natural state of being easier to share than their introverted counterparts. All of this high energy and openness often leads extroverted individuals to be excitement seeking.

What is unique about extroverts’ brains is their reaction to dopamine. While people carry the same amount of this brain chemical that turns on reward and pleasure sensations, extroverts get an excited buzz from this reward center activation while introverts feel run-down by it.

Indicators you are an extrovert:

  • Prolonged time alone will lead you to feel isolated, upset and in some instances anxious.
  • You love to talk and find great passion in discussing and solving problems within a conversation.
  • Being the center of attention doesn’t bother you; in fact, you enjoy it and like to use it to spark excitement in inspiration into others.

Career paths to consider: 

Jobs with less alone time and more team and people engagement will clearly bring out your greatest strengths as a communicator and a team player. According to The Balance Careers, event planner, mediator, hairstylist, registered nurse, and financial advisor are great career paths for an extrovert.

How to be successful:

All this time with others may lead you to experience a loss of self. Be sure to check in with whether your needs are being met and if the goals you have laid out for yourself are on track based on your actions. It can be easy to get swept up in one dynamic conversation after another; combat this by creating a daily check-in with yourself to scan not only whether your schedule for the day aligns with your career goals but, also, how you feel on an emotional and physical standpoint.

3. Ambivert

Who you are:

You are the Goldilocks within this personality trait: you may find energy from being around people but also can feel drained if the environment or the type of people aren’t a good fit. On the flip side, you enjoy being alone, but enough alone time will leave you feeling more depleted and anxious to get back out into the world.  Some indicators that you may be an ambivert:

  • You tend to “balance out” those around you. If someone talks a lot, you are a great listener, but if you are engaging with a shy person you aren’t afraid to step up and share.
  • You will usually think before you speak. While you can put thoughts into words easily, you like to hear what others have to say first.
  • You are comfortable in social settings, but with those you don’t know well, it can be difficult to assert yourself into a conversation.
  • You don’t shy away from attention, but it isn’t a necessity to feel comfortable and enjoy yourself.

The beauty of all this is that you have a very distinct advantage not leaning too heavily to one side.  This enables you to more easily adjust with change and shift how you approach people based on the circumstances at play. This often results in a natural ability to get along well with almost anyone.

Career paths to consider: 

Pursue careers that allow you to lean in both directions fairly well. This looks like having time where you may be the center of attention (giving a speech or lecture) and talking with people, which is then followed by periods of alone time to work through creations, strategies, and problem-solving. Flexjobs listed these as the top five careers for an ambivert: paralegal, public relations PR rep, teacher, salesperson, and virtual assistant.

I find a great deal of balance within my career as a career coach, author, and speaker. I have days where I am a chatty Cathy, on one-on-one coaching calls, interviewing podcast guests, or giving virtual workshops. These extroverted engagements are then followed with days that require more intrinsic energy, spent writing my book, editing blogs, or refining my online courses with new content. Many entrepreneurial careers offer a blend of both worlds, which could be something worth considering as a great career path for ambiverts.

How to be successful: 

You need to be very self-aware of where your energy levels lie and what side of the spectrum you’re naturally living in at any given moment. This awareness will help you gauge how to interact with others and how best to take care of yourself. Some days, this may look like hitting up that networking event after work, or it could just as easily be you popping in your headphones and going for a run alone to decompress from the day.

Through our work together, and finding a deeper connection to her natural state of being, Jessica found a career that fit within her energy levels. She realized that working as her company’s event planner was causing too much of an energy drain, leaving her uninspired. She made an internal move to become the social media manager where she was able to apply her creativity and organization skills with a little less of the in-person communication demands.

Finding a career that fits you is about reconnecting with who you are. Hone in on where you find your energy and become your own version of the Energizer Bunny… ready to tackle your career.

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