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Should I stay active in the job search during coronavirus? In the midst of the chaos caused by the coronavirus pandemic, you may be thinking if you should continue searching for a job. If you are not sure whether you should keep looking or wait, keep reading.

Even during the global chaos, there are still many opportunities. Now more than ever, companies need great minds to face new problems and challenges.

Yet, with many companies closing down, there are fewer opportunities than usual. In other words, the search for a perfect candidate is even more competitive than usual. This is why it is important to understand how to convince the hiring manager you are the perfect fit for the job.

The following five steps will help you succeed in your job search during coronavirus (COVID-19):

1. Prepare for the interview

Recently, more and more firms started opting for video interviews. In fact, it is likely that video interviews will become the norm. This is why it is vital for your success that you perfect your video interviewing skills. Make sure you have a professional, quiet home setup and reliable internet connection. Moreover, remember to follow the same rules as during an in-person interview. For example, maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and be aware of your body language.

2. Improve your skillset

When looking for a job in quarantine, try to focus on improving your skillset and making yourself more valuable to potential employers. Find out the skills that are in demand in your field and take online courses. Needless to say, useful skills will make you stand out from the sea of applicants.

3. Tailor your resume and cover letter

If you are applying for many jobs with a similar description, it is not necessary to change your resume. But, hiring managers agree that tailoring your resume and cover letter increases your chance of success. Most resumes are not optimized and don’t state who the applicant is. To succeed in your job search, highlight strengths, and use keywords that align with the job description. Find out How to get a job faster with a professionally written resume here.

4. Update your LinkedIn profile

Especially now, companies will be looking online to find out more about you. Thus, now is the perfect time to improve your LinkedIn profile. Highlight your potential value for an employer and network with others.

5. Keep applying

During this time, the norms of hiring processes are changing. Many companies are opening remote positions and re-evaluating the need for in-house employees. While the hiring process may be slower during this time, you shouldn’t give up. Apply for the jobs that fit your strengths and passion. To many companies, your location will likely not matter, so don’t be afraid to apply for remote roles as well. Keep applying so that you can find the job of your dreams even during these uncertain times.

Remember: Above all, remember to stay hopeful and not panic. While nobody can say how the situation will develop, we can approach it with a positive outlook. You are likely to have more time on your hands now. Use this time to develop new skills, improve your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile. Follow the steps above to discover new career opportunities and succeed in your job search during the coronavirus pandemic.



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