10 mistakes smart people never make twice


By Travis Bradberry Everybody makes mistakes — that’s a given — but we don’t always learn from them. Sometimes we make the same mistakes over and over again, fail to make any real progress, and can’t figure out why. “Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.” — Bruce Lee When we make mistakes,… read more

7 questions that successful people ask when they’re networking


By Lily Herman To many, networking events sound as appealing as getting teeth pulled, but that doesn’t mean they have to be so dreadful. Instead, great networking is all about having questions ready that start actual conversations, not mundane small talk. After asking dozens of professionals their go-to networking questions, I found two important patterns…. read more

Mindfulness Works but Only If You Work at It


by:Megan Reitz & Michael Chaskalson The latest trend in leadership development is mindfulness training. There is a burgeoning array of apps, self-help books, and corporate interventions designed to help leaders become more mindful and thus more resilient, focused, and aware — qualities that many executives believe can make them more effective in their roles. Mindfulness — a way… read more

4 Ways to Control Your Emotions in Tense Moments


by:Joseph Grenny Twenty-three years ago, one of my employees — I’ll call him Dale — asked for a private meeting. Dale was serious and bookish and had very strong opinions. His work was fastidious. He rarely socialized with colleagues, but he was impeccable in his commitments to others. And he was skilled at his job…. read more

Improving your writing skills for e-mails & proposals


By Stacey Lastoe Have you ever stopped to think about how important writing is to your daily work? With the exception of a few fields, most of us are responsible for communicating via email. What’s more: We may be asked to write proposals, add pages to a handbook, or create a text-heavy deck for presenting… read more

The 4 Forces that Will Reshape Nursing


by Laurie Larson Peter Buerhaus, R.N.,  a health care economist and a professor of nursing at Montana State University, maintains a multifaceted research program analyzing nursing workforce economics, forecasting nurse and physician supply, and determining public and provider opinion on care delivery issues, among other areas of study. He does so in his role as… read more

Why Grit Is More Important Than IQ When You’re Trying To Become Successful


by Lisa Quast You attended the party of a long-time friend and ran into a lot of people from high school that you hadn’t seen in years. During chit-chat over appetizers and drinks, you could feel the friendly competition heating up. While comparing career accomplishments, you were shocked to learn that the kid from school… read more