
I’m not a regular follower of TED talks, but I recently stumbled upon one of them while researching for this. The talk is given by Shawn Achor, a Harvard Psychologist. In which he has explained quite beautifully about how the reforms of happiness and success work exactly the opposite way than what we all are taught from the first day of school. In his words,”You don’t get happy by achieving success, you achieve success by getting happy.

So, it won’t be wrong to state that happiness is the virtue that inspires productivity, which ultimately leads to success. Here is what medical science has to say about it –

The happiness hormones

There is scientific explanation of the fact that happiness inspires productivity. Any feeling that a human gets is generated as a result of an orchestrated symphony of brain, pituitary and the hormones released by the two. The feeling of happiness is no different either. Here is a look at the hormones that our body releases when we are happy, and how they impact our brain –

  • Serotonin

Serotonin is often referred to as the happiness hormone. What serotonin does is that it elevates the mood of the person, and prevents him/her from falling into a phase of depression. The feeling of confidence, and success that you get is inspired by the serotonin trigger that your body is receiving when you are happy.

If you are happy at work, your body is getting a constant boost of serotonin, instilling confidence in you to succeed in whatever you are doing. And, thereby boosting your productivity. After all, how can you think about being productive at work when your mind is clubbed with negativity and feeling of low-confidence?

Exposing yourself to the sun for 20 minutes can stimulate serotonin production in your body. another good way to boost serotonin production is to reflect on your significant past achievements.

  • Dopamine

Feelings such as self-doubt, lack of enthusiasm as well as procrastination have been associated with low dopamine levels. Studies have shown that a surge in level of dopamine motivates the person towards achieving their goals, stimulating good mood and making him/her more alert.

A constant boost of dopamine keeps you more alert at work. And, therefore you are more focused at doing things which have been assigned to you. In other words, you are always in a positive frame of mind to achieve targets and get things done. How else do you define being productive?

A diet rich in proteins is a great way to get your brain to release more dopamine.

  • Endorphins

Endorphins are the fight or flight hormones of our body. They are generally associated with the feeling of getting high. They are also the biochemicals working towards reducing the feeling of anxiety. When your body is running high on endorphin boost you are in a state of mind to face challenges.

Endorphins help your brain to remain active even during the conditions of stress. So, you do not feel anxious when taking on something new. Thinking outside the box and coming up with ideas, which you would not have thought of otherwise, can be a result of the endorphins flowing in your blood when you are happy.

Endorphins are generally release during exercise. But, laughter has also been known to induce the release of endorphins.

As you can see that under various conditions, the happiness hormones released by the body are inspiring the brain to remain more focused, take-on newer challenges, and continue to perform well even under the situations of stress. So, it won’t be wrong to say that it’s not just a philosophical saying – happiness actually inspires productivity amongst workers!

So, what can we do to boost happiness at work?

  • Think of the good things you have done

Even a thought of the good things you’ve done in the past can trigger the release of serotonin hormone. So, when at work keep yourself surrounded with the thoughts of things which you are grateful for. A little conscious effort like this can boost serotonin levels and make you happier and more productive at work.

  • Set short term goals and reward yourself on completing them

Having a sense of achievement boosts dopamine release. So, plan your day in such a way that you can divide your tasks into small measurable goals. Set a small reward for accomplishing each of those goals. This will keep your brain happy and more focused.

  • Meditation and mindfulness

The effects of practicing meditation and mindfulness are well known. Small acts like controlled breathing and relaxation lead a positive impact on the endocrine glands in our body, which are responsible for the release of happiness hormones. So incorporating some simple breathing and relaxation techniques in your work-life can be a great way to remain positive, happy and productive, no matter what you are doing!

A small hug from your best friend. A good protein rich meal. Or a thought of your first job-promotion – all these things might not so big in life. But, the sense of happiness they bring along to boost your productivity is undeniable.

So if you are looking for ways to become more productive, without having to put too much extra effort, then start practicing these really simple techniques to stay happy. And, I’m sure the productivity graph will start to see a rise with time.

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